Monday, January 17, 2011

Chose now for 2012. Right meow.

    Lets just imagine for a second that one had to vote either Republican (henceforth referred to as the GOP, conservatives, or Republicans) or Democrat for the 2012 presidential elections right now.  With no knowledge of who the candidates were or what their political stances actually amounted to; the choice would have to be based on our current views of the political climate and the parties themselves.  Sorry, no Green Party, Independents (although Michael Bloomberg looks pretty good unless it's snowing), or the Tea Party (they would fall under the Republican umbrella).  In writing this article one will quickly see my political biases, but I will do my best to be fair and balanced.  No, I really mean fair and balanced. 
    So, my choice would have to be a Democratic candidate.  Even with the whole thrashing that the Left received during this past election, my choice would have to be for the Dems.   A few reasons, but first, more background. 
   All politicians are two faced, or a majority are.  Sadly, its part of the game.  During the past presidential election I had quite a bit of hope in all the change Obama promised.  But even Obama fell short on many of his promises and ideals.  Examples include: his expansion of the war into Pakistan making him about as hawkish as good ole' Cheney, his lack of commitment to real environmental change, and finally the fact that Guantanamo is still open.  Based upon this, I am simply trying to explain that elections usually seem to be all about picking the lesser of two evils.  And sometimes it seems to be choosing either fire or brimstone to rain down.  
     Now that I have that off my chest.  Why not the conservatives?  In many ways the smaller the government the better.  The government time and time again shows us their incompetence.  BUT.  The Republicans are not truly about smaller government in my opinion.  No matter who's in power government usually expands.  The GOP is very good at talking one thing and doing the opposite.  Take for example decreasing the deficit.  This is supposedly second to serving the Merican Christ in their eyes.  The primary goal in the 2010 elections.  But, when it came to not extending tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, they balked.  By not extending these tax cuts, it would have added 700 billion dollars in tax revenue.  Meaning less in the gigantic deficit that America is struggling with.  So decreasing the deficit really is not on their to do list.  Additionally, the GOP has always been about family values and morals and other heart warming tenets.  Basically I hate all people and family values.  Seriously though, the GOP values mindset  presents this happy little picture of a nice four person family (mother, father, son, and daughter) with a dog in the 'burbs somewhere.  Which is great, but what about the drunk, homeless man in the city.  Or, the family that cannot put enough food on the table for their four year old.  Or, the man that just lost his job and cannot afford health insurance.  All of these people the GOP seems to want to ignore.  They're parasites to society.  My tax dollars had better not go to help that man get in a rehab program, or that family put food on their table.  And family values are nice and all unless that family is living next to a coal fired power plant in Western PA.  Or downstream of a mountain top mining operation in West Virginia.  Then that would be reckless regulation that kills jobs.   Okay, that was a bit of a rant, but in many ways the dirty side to the "small government," "deregulation,"and "family values" of the GOP. 
   So vote for whoever.  I'll probably be a Marxist by the time 2012 rolls around.  


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